Friday 4 May 2012

RUBENS -- Flemish Painter

Peter Paul Rubens was born on 28 June 1577 in Siegen, Westphalia, Germany.  He was born one day before the feast of St Peter and St Paul and therefore his parents named him Peter Paul. He was the sixth of seven children.
The father Jan Rubens, a catholic, was under suspicion to have Calvinistic sympathies. To avoid religious persecution, the family moved to Siegen. At first they moved to Cologne and Jan Rubens was appointed secretary to Anna of Saxony, wife of William, Prince of Orange. Jan was by profession a lawyer. However, Anna and Jan had an affair and she became pregnanat. Maria Rubens pleaded for his life and succeeded. As a punishment the family had to move to Siegen.
In 1587 Jan Rubens died and Maria decided to move back to Antwerp. When they moved back there were Peter Paul, Philip - who was three years older, and their sister Blandina, in her twenties. Three children died young and the eldest son had left home. The boys were sent to school. They already received, from their father, a good foundation of education.
In 1590, they had to leave school. The reason was that Blandina is to be married and she needed a dowry. The family's finances weren't too good.
Philip at 15 got two jobs at the same place. He was a clerk to a statesman and tutor to his sons.
Peter Paul at the age of 13 was employed as a page at the Countess of Lalaing. He decided to be an artist and left soon after. He became an apprentice to a painter Tobias Verhaecht. After that he moved to the studio of Adam Van Noort. When he left, after four years, he completed his training with Otto Van Veen.




At the age of 22 years, Rubens went to Italy and finalized his training. Although he learned and listen but at heart remained a Flemish Artist. The Flemish artists believe that they should paint the world around them and whatever they like.
Vincenzone I, Duke of Mantua was impressed by Rubens sketches and employed him. His job was to copy famous paintings to increase the Duke's collection. Rubens had to travel a lot which gave him an opportunity to visit all the art centre in Italy. In 1602 Rubens got commissioned to paint three altarpieces for the Church of Santa Croce in Gerusalame.
Rubens made a lot of contacts during his travel and in 1606 he received a prestigious commission which was to paint the high altarpiece for Santa Maria in Valliicelli, a new church. The first painting was refused and when he done a second painting and it was accepted, he never saw it installed. In October 1608 he received a message from his brother that his mother was seriously ill. Rubens left at once but was too late. She died before he could reach there.
In 1609 Rubens became Court painter to Albert and his Wife the Infanta Isabella. He married in the same year the 17 year old Isabella Brant. They had four children and their marriage was a happy one. When his wife died, 15 years after they married, Ruben stated that he lost a truly, excellent companion.
At the same time, Rubens was overwhelmed with pupils wanted to study with him. His reputation grew and soon was recognized as northern Europe's famous master. In the two altarpieces 'Raising of the Cross' (1611-1614) Rubens proved that he mastered the Italian 'grand manner' which is to show it in the most heroic terms.


Due to the war between northern and southern Netherlands many churches needed to be restored. Due to his great energy and organization, Rubens was able to meet every commission received. A great commission was to decorate the Jesuit church in Antwerp. He promised to design 39 paintings which were done by his assistants and delivered within nine months. Unfortunately, they were destroyed by fire in 1718. Several sketches survived.
He received huge commissions from Louis XIII to design 12 tapestries and 25 enormous paintings for Louis' mother Marie de Medici for her new palace in Paris.


Rubens went to Spain to visit the Infanta Isbella. After that he went to England to visit Charles I who receive him warmly. There he received a commission for several paintings for the ceiling of the Banqueting House, in Whitehall Palace.
In 1630 Rubens married again, Helene Fourment. Two sons survived from his first marriage and they had another two sons and three daughters. Rubens showed his love to his family with all the paintings he done.
He withdrew from public life to be more with his family. They lived in country house and he painted landscapes. Even so he accepted commissions, the assistants done more and more the painting.
He started to suffer with gout and his right arm was crippled. The gout spread and he died in Antwerp on the 30 May 1640 at an age of 62. Helene gave birth, eight month after his death.

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