Sunday 2 September 2012


It is amazing that the great Roman Empire started with a few hill villages and eventually ruled the whole Mediterranean. Although they had cruel customs and were savage when they fought a war but they still developed a Roman civilization which lived in memories through centuries.

According to their recorded history the Romans originated from Aeneas a Trojan who escaped when the Greeks conquered and destroyed his city.  The legend is tells that Rome was founded by one of the twin sons of war-god Mars.

The reality is different. The beginning of Rome started with the few hill side villages which banded together. They were lucky to on the trade routes across Italy and therefore prospered. Rome stood in the shadow of the Etruscans for a long time that lived in Central Italy and provided several of its kings


However, in 510 BC the Romans dethroned their last king, Tarquinius Superbus, and declare it a republic. Class conflict rages between the patricians (aristocrats) and the plebeians (people) for 200 years. After that a constitutional stability was achieved.


Under the new constitution an aristocrat called Senate made the laws and decisions but the real leadership was made by two consuls. The consuls were elected every year by the people.  He would then select aristocratic candidates. The two consuls will have then to represent their choice to the people. In reality the arrangements kept a sense of common citizenship and public spirit which was Rome’s power.

Thanks to this solid foundation the Romans were able to govern and reign and later dominate other tribes. Eventually they defeated the Etruscans, Samnites and Gauls. Part of their success was a great change in treating their defeated enemies.  No sooner they defeated them they granted them Roman citizenship. Therefore, they grew stronger and bigger by numbers instead of having to control rebels.


By 272 BC the Romans ruled the Italian peninsular. They were joining forced with the Cathaginians to subdue the Greek cities of the south and expelled the Greek king Pyrrhus of Epirus form Sicily. The island was the course of 23-year war from 264 BC to 241 BC) between Rome and Carthage. Carthage was a great and commercial power in North Africa and pressure Rome to gain supremacy in the western Mediterranean. The Roman legions an essential citizen army stood up well against the mercenaries of Carthage. However, the main defeat came from Rome when they built a formidable navy. At the end Carthage took Sicily and Rome seized Sardinia and Corsica.

This was only the test which Rome was pushed to the limit. The Carthaginians built up a new empire in Spain. They had a commander Hannnibal who was an absolute genius. His father made him swear to hate Rome forever. When war was declared between the two nations Hannibal went across the Alps with African war-elephants. He descended on Italy  the Romans experienced a terrible defeat at Trebbia in 218 BC, at Lake Trsimene in 217 BC and Cannac in 216BC. In spite of being outnumbered by the Romans. However, the gates of Rome were closed even so Hannibal found support in southern Italy and he stayed there for 16 years he could not break it down. In the mean time Romans defeat Hannibal’s allies. Conquered Spain and invaded North Africa.  Eventually Hannibal was defeated at Zuma in 202BC and Carthage had to surrender.

From there on Romans made sure they never were defeated again. During the 2nd century BC they conquered Macedon, Greece, Pergamum in Asia Minor (Turkey) and the Mediterranean coast of France were all under the rules of Rome. Faction-ridden Egypt remained nominally independent but was a dependent ally.


To conquer at such a fast rate put a strain on its Roman citizens. Romans loved sternness and simplicity but all the new found wealth did not improve their characters or way of life. Their constitution was established for a city-state but quick change to be able to rule an empire was not very successful and flaws appeared. Then new wealthy ‘middle-class’ knights resented the aristocrats who had the power and ruled Rome. 

Furthermore all these conquests brought a great number of slaves to the country and drove the peasant off because were cheaper.  The peasants moved into the cities and showed their discontent. Also free Italians who had not received Roman citizenship became irritated. The great number of slaves began to revolt against servitude.  All these problems started to come up to boiling points.

There was a time when Rome had a great political struggle and murders to often seem to tear Rome apart. For instant, the murders of the reforming brothers Gracchi created rival parties, the aristocratic Optimates and the more plebeian Populares whose conflict then undermined the republic.


All these rivalries ended up in a civil war. In the 1st century BC Rome had a civil between the partisans Maritus and Sulla. Marius cam from a more modest family but became famous with his victories in North Africa and against barbarian invaders.

Marius was part of the popular party while Sulla a member of the Opimates. Apart from these two rival causing frictions there was the rebellion of the Rome’s Italian allies. This developed into a Social war (91-88BC) until the end citizenship was granted. The war going on at the same time in the East had also in impact
When Marius died Sulla became a dictator in 82 BC. His achievements were a series of purges, reorganized the state and strengthened the role of the Senate. All this collapsed soon after his death.

There followed two great chiefs. One was the brilliant general Pompey and the other the multi-millionaire Crassus. They had major success with Pompey conquests in the East and Crassus by defeating the Great Slave Revolt (73-71 BC). It was led by the famous ex-gladiator Spartacus.


With successes always comes envy and suspicion. The Senates pushed them into an alliance (the First Triumvirate, 60BC), with the great politicians Julius Caesar. The Triumvirates achieved so much wealth and influence and they were able to create laws almost as they want.  One of the many offices was a commander Caesar in the Roman province Gaul (France). Middle Aged Caesar discovered he has great military abilities and conquered whole Gaul during 58-51BC. He further made twO successful expeditions to the island of Britain during 55 and 54 BC. 


During all this time of the triumvirates a great loss occurred. Crassus was defeated and killed in the East by Rome’s Parthians enemies. Pompey became allies with the Senate and felt himself threatened. In 49 BC Caesar marched into Italy with his veteran army. This brought another civil war and went right across the Mediterranean.  In 45 BC Caesar won his battles, became a dictator and was assassinated in 44 BC

This started another series of wars. The senatorial party was led by Brutus and Cassius but they were defeated by a second Triumvirate with Caesar’s nephew and adopted son, Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus. When Lepidus was eliminated; Octavian and Antony fought each other. Eventually Antony and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt were defeated at Actium in 31 BC. Octavian became the victor and ruler of the Roman Empire

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