Saturday 17 November 2012


Otis Ritch a Choctaw Indian Authors and Leather artist to be found on informs us of their way of life and today’s struggles of his ancient people. Mr Ritch wrote 22 books so far and are available on Barnes and Noble.

The American Indians migrated in great number to the North American Continent about 85,000 years ago.  65,000 years their spiritual deliverer was born amongst them. His name was Onamonalonton and he gave the people the concept of the Great Spirit – the one God of Creation who created everything and everyone. The American Indian have been trying to walk a path to perfection to become Impeccable Warrior ever since. They live every day of their lives with the vision of the Great Spirit within their minds and every action they take are with him in mind.  They are very spiritual people and try to walk their path with beauty in mind as they go about their daily lives.  

The Choctaw were nothing but loyal to the USA government. They experienced, like most Indian tribes, centuries of discrimination, struggles and continuously signing new treaties which were NINE in all. Every new treaty meant more loss of land which was the Choctaw greatest assets. Eventually, they were made to give up an incredible 11,000.000 acres or 45,000 km2. To crown it all the US government promised with every new treaty to the Choctaw American Citizenship a very contradicting and controversial promise because these people were there since the Paleo Indian period.

They not only were loyal but also fought constantly on the site of the US army but when the battle was won the Choctaw were forgotten.  They never took up arms against the US government but when you read their history it makes weep. Eventually the US government forced them into reservation which always the poorest land the government could find. The move there became known as the “Trail of Tears”. According to records 2,500 died on the way there. 


As if that wasn’t enough the US government brought out an act of termination of Native Indians which meant that any white person can intimidate, burn their house or murder them without retribution. The result was nothing but one of the greatest holocaust in history.

The evidence of the Choctaw history was told from generation to generation.  Through these accounts their ancestor spoke of mammoth in the Tombigbee River area which proves that the Choctaw were in these areas at least 4,000 – 8,000 years.

Then there the woodland cultures who built mounts such as Nanih Waiya. It is also believed that the Igomar Mount in Mississippi and Pinson in Tennessee were built by the same people. According to Archaeological evidence the occupation of indigenous people was about 0-300 CE.  The site had a wall of earth which circulating on three sides and was about 10 ft high. The whole site measured a square mile. There are smaller sites which occurred till 700 CE.


The Mississippi culture, a Native American Culture flourished which is now known a Midwest, East and Southeast US from 800-1500 CE. When the Spaniards discovered America they saw chiefdom all along the Mississippi. During the 17th century the Mississippi culture, Mondville and Plaqemine became self-conscience of being Choctaw people.

During the First World War the Choctaw language became so important and was used to communicate.  The German could not break the code and it helped with many battles especially towards the final push through to make the Germany surrender.

The Government paid for this incredible help from the Choctaw with non-citizenship, no voting, segregation and it lasted well into the eighties.

All in all the Choctaw were not the only Indian nation which suffered terrible on the hands of the white American and its government. All American Indian received the same treatment of systematically killing in one way or another.

Some tribe did fight the army to save their people but could not win with bow and arrows against guns and eventually had to face the same destiny.  Unfortunately, it is not known how many millions of Native Indians there were killed but considering the very sad remnants of about one million it has to come to the conclusion it must be the biggest holocaust of all times.

Yet, the US still waving the banner of Liberty and freedom.

The Native Indians have so much wisdom gathered and passed it on from generation to generation and if the white man sat down and listened and learned the world would be a better place. 

It is incredible and to be admired that through all that hardship and discrimination the Choctaw kept their pride, self-respect for themselves and respect for their ancestor. 

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