Wednesday 25 June 2014


It is remarkable how these people survived at all after Margaret Thatcher closed down their major employment almost over night. 

They deserve all the respect for putting up a tremendous fight at the time but Margaret Thatcher used the police force in every way she could and not always legally. 

Quite a number ended up having a criminal record which would floor them even more. What was the real reason behind Margaret Thatcher so was bent over backward to close the mining industry? Was it to break the power of the Union which she hated because they had the power to oppose her? Was it to increase her husband's oil industry?

Today there is an enquiry going on to find out the real reason behind it because the mines were not uneconomically. Another Tory con. After closure the miners were thrown onto the unemployment benefits instead of earning a honest day money. Not very clever, was she? She should have sent her precious son down there it would have made a man of him. 

These men done a job for generation which would have killed any ordinary person. They had to live down there with death constantly at their elbow. Then Margaret Thatcher sitting comfortable in Westminster earning a sky high salary and expenses which covers her bills.

She ended her final days living in a top floor apartment in the Ritz and receiving a £450,000 pa pension. Then she demanded a State Funeral like Churchill and Cameron organised it costing £1million. People were up in arms but the press started to talk about respect to the dead and they calmed down otherwise there would have been nasty scenes which she deserved. 

Today, after decades 5.5million still feel the after effects. In the former mining areas the people suffer of deprivation, ill health and high unemployment. The thick nerve of closing down all these mines and just left the people to it can only come from a Tory.

Employment rages between 2 per cent to 7 per cent in those areas. The average jobs availability is 50 out of 100 while the national rate is 67.  Health issues are on average 43 per cent in mining communities while it is 30 per cent in the most deprived areas.

This report was put together on the 30th anniversary of the Orgreve picket battle during 1984-85 during the miners' strike.  Professor Steve Fothergill. research leader at Sheffield Hallam University, said: "The pit closures may now be receding into history, but the consequences are still all too visible. Job losses of the 80s and 90s still cast a very long shadow."

Peter McNestry of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust said: "This report really brings home the scale of deprivation faced by 5.5 million people for more then a quarter of a century. We cannot simply turn our backs on more the five million people."

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