Thursday, 29 October 2015


Generation of scholars and people have been determined to solve the question of who built and what was the use of these megalithic monuments? 
Apparently, they can be found all over Northern Europe

It has been established that Stonehenge was built not only with two different circles but also two different times. The most impressive stones are the great sarsen stones. The remains of the circle erected 4000 years ago were built in around 2100 BC and 2000 BC. It is the outer circle. This circle was the third set of stones erected

The first set of stones was erected on the same site at around 3100 and 2300 BC. Nowadays, all that remained from this structure is a bank, a ditch, two standing stones which is the entrance and the Heel Stone. It is the Heel Stone over which the sun rises on Midsummer Day and the moon on midwinter night.
The second circle still more standing which was constructed by the Beaker folk 500 years later. The Beaker folk were named after the great drinking vessel found in their tombs. That circle had 82 bluestones which in an upright circle and weighing up to 4 tonnes. The stones came from Prescelly Hills which is 217km away. They could have brought is by sea, river or overland. Whichever way they done it, it must have been an enormous undertaking.
It had been established that they were adding new construction and changes up to 1100 BC. After that the site fell in disuse because people moved to the more fertile valleys.
Even to these days everybody is amazed how these people could have moved and erected these stones. It is agreed that they must have had a well organized community to achieve such a monument. After all it is an elaborated design, precise in measurement and alignment.
The giant sarsen stones came from Marlborough which is 30km away. Each stones weigh roughly 26 tonnes. It was scientifically established that it would take 1000 men to erect one stone into position. It was also established that it would take more the two million man hours to build the sarsen circle and the trilithon arches. Another amazing fact is that the capping stones are set properly with mortise and tendon joints. Inside the circle there are five separate arches. They are in a horseshoe design and facing the Heel Stone.
The Druids are using Stonehenge for their ceremonies every year However, as much the Druids trying to claim it is wrong because it was built 1000 years earlier before the Druids arrived in Britain. Whoever built Stonehenge it was for rituals and ceremonies for about 60 or 70 generations? The Druids now using it for their annual summer solstice ceremony.
Last year it was a disgrace how they left it. The rubbish which was left behind; it looked like tip. It is incredible to leave such a monument littered with rubbish.
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Stonehenge was always shrouded in mystery and people added even more mystery to it over the centuries.  Archaeologists and scientists were determined to find out the real reason of being built and its use.

For almost a century it was thought the rocks were brought from Pembridgeshire’s  Presli Hills. Now it was discovered that the blue stone of the outer circle came from another hill which is a mile away. 

X-rays were used, by geologists, which revealed that the blue-stones did not come from Carn Meini but from Carn Goedog. Although this revelation confirms one thing it still did not bring us closer how these ancient people managed to build such a monument.

Stonehenge has been established that it was built 4,500 years ago but is still a mystery how they carried those big stones 150 miles from Wales to Wiltshire.

Dr Bevins has two theories. They were either moved by man or by the last glaciers during the Ice Age.  Stonehenge, most probably, will never let go of its secret.

Richard Bevins thinks he will not get any Christmas cards anymore from the archaeologists after he was responsible for making them dig in the wrong place for about 90 years.

Stonehenge is the most famous of all stone circles but there are many more right across Europe and Ireland. 

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