Thursday 2 February 2017


Scientists discovered evidence of an ancient “lost Continent” under the Indian Ocean island Mauritius.

The continent which geologists call Mauritia was part of today’s Madagascar and India. It is assumed that the continent sank into the sea about 84 million years ago.

“We are studying the break-up process on the continents in order to understand the geological history of the planet.” said study leader author Lewis Ashwal of the University Witwatersrand of South Africa.

It seems that it was part of a gigantic supercontinent Gondwana which broke up to be Antarctica, Africa, Australia and South America.

Ashwal and his colleges discovered minerals in the rocks which were in the lava coming from volcanic eruptions and were far too old to belong to the island of Mauritius. He explained further that earth is made up of two parts of the continent old and oceans are young.

Rocks can be billions of years old but nothing is found like that in the oceans.

Mauritius is only a few billion years old. The discovered zircon crystals on the island are estimated three trillion years old.

The scientists explained further that the found zircons of this age proves that there are much older crustal materials under Mauritius that could only originated from a continent.

It is now assumed that there are likely more pcs of various sizes of “undiscovered continents named together Mauritia spread over the Indian Ocean.

A full article is in the British journal Nature Communications.

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