A snow covered shape like the Pyramids in Egypt was discovered in the Antarctica. It certainly is a myth and baffles scientists. It needs a great deal of investigation but it makes scientists and experts now wonder if Antarctica was not inhabited by humans millions of years ago.
Sunday Express revealed further that three other structures were found. Two about 10 miles inland and one near the coast.
Evidence from earlier research established that the climate was not as cold as it is today. On further investigation and new evidences being found would through the theory of Global Warming out of the window. It would show that the climate has a natural cycle like everything else.
In 2009 scientists brought back samples, from the Antarctica, with pollens in it. It proves that temperatures must have been higher than the present of -49C. It is thought it could be as high as 20C to create these pollens.
In 2012 scientists from Nevada's Desert Research Institute found 32 species of bacteria from Lake Vida, east Antarctica, giving more proof that the climate was a lot different to the frozen Tundra as it is today.
Dr Vanessa Bowman said: "Go back 100 million years ago and Antarctica was covered with lush rainforest similar to the those that exists in New Zealand today."
The theory is now the climate changes transformed global environments, historical discoveries around the world prove different temperatures and eco-systems thousands and millions of years ago. It also proves further that Antarctica could have been a lush, tropical land.
Experts now belief that a civilisation like in Africa, Asia and Europe lived there.
They will now investigate the pyramid structure further and if it proves that it is man-made; history will have to re-written.
The Egyptian most famous pyramid Giza was built around 2,500 BC and still baffles scientists and experts. They discovered that there is two pyramids built underneath and the big one was built on top of it.
If the Antarctica pyramid structure proves it was not built by humans the explanation will be it is a natural phenomenon known as nunatak which means a mountain peak. It juts up just above massive glaciers.
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